Linux-Netsilon Tiny-HowTo

Wolfgang Theurer

October 8, 2005


This document aims to deal with the specificities of an Linux installation of Netsilon. Since Netsilon is written in Java and targets PHP/MySQL most of the configuration is not OS-specific. So you should, first refer to general docs before reading this document (see section 7).

The rest of this minihowto is based on a Debian Sarge. It should not make a significant difference with other distributions except for pathes and packages management.

Required packages

First of all you will need the JDK (at least the jre) to run Netsilon since it is written in Java. Get it from the BlackDown website:

and install it.

In addition, you'll need some packages to use the generated website. Here is a list required packages. I am sure that those in boldface ARE required, the others don't hurt. All those packages can be installed via apt-get for Debian and probably available in .rpm...

Finding usefull messages

During configuration phase you can find usefull infos in those files:

If something goes wrong, have some xterms running tail -f oneOfThisFiles, you should get some hint.

MySQL configuration

As Netsilon doesn't use Unix socket, make sure that your mysqld really listen to tcp/ip connection:

In your /etc/mysql/my.cnf, check that the line


IS commented. This is NOT the case by default on Debian.

mysqld MUST listen on tcp port 3306 (which is the mysqld default port). See /etc/mysql/my.cnf.

Apache PHP configuration

PHP settings


If you use PHP4 or higher, you must enable the ``register_globals'' variable in php.ini.

# vi /etc/php4/apache/php.ini
register_globals = on

Extending memory limits

By default PHP is limited to 8M what is widely not enough for Netsilon's scripts. Edit your php.ini:

\# vi /etc/php4/apache/php.ini
memory_limit = 16M 

Netsilon is NOT for weak configurations.



The Netsilon distribution provides a (very) simple launching script (netsilon.bat) for Windows only. You can use the following shell script for Linux (By the way this script as the rest of the document is under the Do_What_Ever_You_Want_With_It_As_Soon_As_You_Endorse_The_Ownership_Of_Your_Changes licence):

# ====================== Netsilon launching script ==================================
#! /bin/bash


function usage ()
    echo "Usage: $1 [JVM_MemorySize|-h]"
    echo "     JVM_MemorySize: Size of the jvm in MegaBytes (defaut: 256)"
    echo  "       -h: this help"

if [ $# -lt 1 ]
    if [ $1 = "-h" ]
        usage $0 
        exit 0

echo "Launching Netsilon..."
 $JVM -Xmx"$MEM"m -jar /Misc/Netsilon/Netsilon/Netsilon.jar
echo "Goodbye !"

# ====================== End of Netsilon launching script ==================================

To use this script, just copy it somewhere in you PATH and give it execution permission (chmod +x netsilon). Of course don't forget to change the path to java (/usr/local/bin/java on my installation) !

You can specify the memory used by the Netsilon's JVM or let the script use its default value (256M):

Example: $ netsilon 512

will use 512M for the JVM, while

$ netsilon

will only use 256M.


Final remarks

Remember this document is a Tiny-howto, that means that it is quite incomplete. I just wanted to give the solutions to the problems I encountered installing and running Netsilon under Linux. If you've got more tips or questions about Netsilon's installation under Linux please send me an email. For questions specific to Netsilon itself or Windows installation, please contact the author.

About this document ...

Linux-Netsilon Tiny-HowTo

This document was generated using the LaTeX2HTML translator Version 2002-2-1 (1.70)

Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, Nikos Drakos, Computer Based Learning Unit, University of Leeds.
Copyright © 1997, 1998, 1999, Ross Moore, Mathematics Department, Macquarie University, Sydney.

The command line arguments were:
latex2html -split=1 LinuxNetsilonTinyHowTo.tex

The translation was initiated by Wolfgang Theurer on 2005-10-08

Wolfgang Theurer 2005-10-08